Welcome to the Seismic Performance Analyzer II (Version 2.0).

The Seismic Performance Analyzer II (Analyzer II) is an advanced tool created to simplify and expedite the task of performing nonlinear incremental dynamic analyses for performance based structural design and assessment. Analyzer II was designed to be implemented for use with the Seismic Retrofit Guidelines 2nd Edition (SRG2), Volume 12. These together provide an innovative and efficient approach for the seismic analysis and retrofit of low- and mid-rise concrete buildings in British Columbia. This tool provides experienced engineers web-based access to conduct extensive nonlinear dynamic analysis of buildings subjected to suites of earthquakes of various intensities in a fast and computationally efficient manner. It utilizes advances in cloud and parallel computing to significantly reduce analysis time, providing the engineer with rapid access to the results.

Analyzer II is an advanced engineering tool that complements engineering experience and judgement, and decreases the uncertainty and time requirements associated with nonlinear dynamic analysis. Through prudent use in the engineering community, Analyzer II was developed to enhance the practise of seismic engineering in British Columbia.

Analyzer II is a continuously evolving tool. Any feedback is welcomed and encouraged.